Games and Activities that Promote Reusing and Recycling in Early Childhood

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s easy to overlook the impact our choices make on the environment. As parents, we play a crucial role in shaping our children’s values, and one way to instill a sense of responsibility towards the planet is by teaching them the importance of reusing and recycling everyday items. At our preschools during this month, we’re enjoying our annual intiative “Paperless March”, where we focus on encouraging sustainable practices in our young learners.

To inspire you this month, in this blog, we will explore the significance of incorporating these habits into our daily lives and help you discover creative ways to make these habits a fun family activity.

Why Reuse and Recycle?

Before we delve into the hands-on activities, let’s remind ourselves why teaching our children about reusing and recycling is so crucial. By instilling these habits early on, we empower our little ones to become conscientious members of their society. Reusing items reduces the demand for new resources, minimizes waste, and decreases the environmental impact of production while Recycling gives used materials a second life, reducing the strain on our planet’s resources.

Our annual Paperless March initiative focuses on going beyond the basics of paper recycling. We hope to encourage our young children and their families to adopt a holistic approach to sustainability. Throughout the month, we’ll be engaging our Risers in various activities that highlight the beauty of reusing and recycling, promoting a sense of responsibility towards our planet.

Creating and Crafting at Home

Now, we sincerely hope to bring the spirit of Paperless March into your homes with some creative and fun ideas for making toys and games from recycled materials:

Cardboard Creations

Save cardboard boxes from deliveries and turn them into a spaceship, a castle, or even a puppet theater. Let your child’s imagination soar as they decorate and personalize their creations. It is often more than enough for you to simply place a box or two in the middle of the living room and the garden and let your child figure it out themselves with their own imaginations! You will be surprised how creative they can be when given the freedom!

Learning Games with Bottle Lids

Collect plastic bottle caps and transform them into maths or literacy games. Write numbers or letters on the caps and use them for counting, sorting, basic math operations, letter matching and word creations.

Egg Carton Art

Egg cartons are versatile and make excellent art supplies. Cut them into sections to create flower collages, paint them to resemble animals, or turn them into caterpillars by adding googly eyes and pipe cleaner legs.

Tin Can Bowling

Gather empty tin cans and transform them into a mini bowling alley. Let your child paint and decorate the cans, then set up a bowling game in the backyard for hours of active fun.

Newspaper Forts

Instead of discarding old newspapers, use them to build forts and tunnels. Enhance the experience by encouraging your child to design and create their own secret hideaway.

By incorporating these activities into your routine, you not only contribute to a healthier planet but also create lasting memories with your child. We hope you have been inspired by our suggestions!

Let’s make Paperless March a month of sustainable choices, fostering a sense of responsibility that will stay with our children for a lifetime. Together, we can inspire the next generation to cherish and protect the world they inherit.